Amanda and Andrew's Wedding 6/16/07

Photographed by: Trish and Mariah
Very Stylish! Amanda and Andrew had unique details that dazzled everyone at the wedding. They gave us plenty to photograph - we love to document all those little personal touches. What a gorgeous day! Disaster was averted a few days before the wedding when Amanda's band had to unexpectedly cancel on her. Maid of honor Devin to the less than a half an hour Devin had secured a DJ for the wedding. No one was the wiser - and they had some of the most enthusiastic (and creative?!) dancing that I have seen. Andrew- your MJ moves are world class. I don't quite understand the warming the hands over the glasses on the dance floor moves - but it made for funny photos anyway. I had a smile on my face all night. Have fun re-living it in the photos!
Flowers by: Stoneblossom Venue: Blithewold Mansion, Bristol Video: James Iannone