This is a portrait session that I did with Emily and Ian this weekend, they are getting married in August. We had the good fortune of taking pictures at Neil's beautiful home in Barrington. It actually used to be at lighthouse! But has now been a regular home for many years, as they built a better located lighthouse off shore. We were so appreciative of Neil and his wife(and the dogs) being so gracious and allowing us to use their home for our shoot, it made for beautiful and unique photos for Emily and Ian, I had a great time!

It was great for them to cool their feet off for a bit, it was a hot day!
(oh, and they are hot for each other too)

OK, so here is where it gets interesting... since the house was an actual lighthouse we had to take advantage of the opportunity to go up into it! It's only two stories, no biggie, right? There is the going straight up in a narrow space that I had not considered. This is how we got to the top, spiral stairs and then a steep ladder and through the hatch, wee...

Can you see my anxiety and sweat on the brow in this shot? I had to take a photo of the three of us because it felt like we had really been through something together, and I wanted to capture that victorious moment. Emily and Ian were totally cool about it...I really am such a wimp.

Awesome view from up there though, sort of worth it!

Here is Ian coming back down through the hatch, not a lot of room for error!

Even better than the view was the stairwell, great light and texture!

Before we left we got the chance to chat with Neil and see all of his beautiful paintings that he had done and proudly displays around his home, he is a very talented artist I might add! But before I could see the paintings I had to get past the dog... A very large Great Dane with a loud bark, but luckily no bite.

This dog was a bit easier to get past.