When Sam and Mike first came to see me they told me all about the "Neily Curse". Apparently, Sam's family is afflicted with bad weather each and EVERY time they plan an event that involves being outdoors. Well, I was pretty sure it was coincidence rather than curse, not believing in that sort of thing after all... I assured Mike that our photography adventures would not be cursed and that they had nothing to worry about. We scheduled our photodate for this past Sunday. I checked the weather on Friday and Saturday... everything looked fine- sunny skies were predicted. So, I wake up Sunday morning and what do I find? A beautiful sunny fall morning? NO, grey ominous skies... no worry I think to myself, it's not raining so the photodate is still on. Sam and Mike were meeting me at Johnson's Road side stand in Swansea Ma, so I got in my car and headed out to meet them. As I was taking the exit to Swansea, it started to sprinkle... How could this be?! Sam and Mike pulled it after me, and when Mike got out of the car, all he could say was "I told you so!" I will not be defeated by some dumb curse!
A curse (also called execration) is any manner of adversity thought to be inflicted by any supernatural power (such as a spell, a prayer, an imprecation, an execration, magic, witchcraft, a god, a natural force, or a spirit.)
You know, everything looks better when it's wet! In movies they hose down sidewalks, stairs etc... because the wet ground reflects light and looks better on film! How about wet pumpkins?

A few sprinkles aren't going to ruin our shoot- actually the soft grey light was kind of working for me!

Johnson's has a lot of fun photo elements including this antique fire truck.

I know you've seen this pose before, but there's something about it! I just love it. This spot is across the road from the farm stand at a dairy farm. Isn't it so New England?!
Some smooching is always needed...

I told Mike he was the star of this photo... he said "I don't want to be the star!" and looked away really quick- I got him though!
P.S. Mike has 2 younger brothers- both single and he would like to find them a couple of nice girls! We are taking applications here at Snap!