Here they are... the fabulous Angela and Gregg! We took some time the day before the wedding to take some pre-wedding portraits on the beach, why not?! It's always a great warm up and this way we were sure not to miss any good photo spots. We were scouting them out at every turn, there was just so much great stuff we wanted to try and do it all. Here is the first half of the session, check back tomorrow for the second half...
They were so relaxed, that was just the mood. Although I know that Angela was also trying to get all of the wedding stuff done. Not an easy task, even when you are relaxed and tan.
Some great 'man-posing' here by Gregg.
And now some good smooching here by Gregg. Oh, there were also naked people behind them sitting in the sun, too funny!
So much rich green color in the palms, just like home...not really. It's seriously grey here!
They are such a cute couple, I can't stand it!
I know that Angela is not a big fan of these little guys, but this one is cute posing for his/her portrait! Most of the ones we saw were brown.