Last in our series of photodates in NYC, but certainly not the least... Taber and Elizabeth! Ta-da!
There's just something about these two... Taber has that devilish twinkle in his eye and you never know quite what he's going to say. Liz is just well, va-va-voom! I'd give my left eye (not my right because I focus with that one) to be as vivacious and gorgeous as Liz. Want to feel dull? Just stand next to Liz. (Taber is the exception of course).
Some pretty handsome posing going on here...

I love this photo! Doesn't Liz just seem like someone you'd want to be friends with?

I love this photo! Doesn't Liz just seem like someone you'd want to be friends with?

We met Taber and Liz at the Conservatory Garden at the north end of Central Park. What an amazing place! It's there favorite spot in the park... a hidden little gem. Quiet, breezy, shaded... perfect!


We met Taber and Liz at the Conservatory Garden at the north end of Central Park. What an amazing place! It's there favorite spot in the park... a hidden little gem. Quiet, breezy, shaded... perfect!

Taber was like, "What?!"
He had never heard that expression before, he's originally from the Dominican Republic (LOVE it). Anyway, he said... "Give me a break, English is my second language. I still don't understand the expression, you can't have your cake and eat it too. If it's your cake why can't you eat it?"
Good question, that is a dumb expression.
Good question, that is a dumb expression.
Muy caliente!

A-ha! Nuzzling!

When I saw this wall of white flowers I was so excited. It's so ethereal.

So sweet. My fav.

No trouble being in love for these guys, although Taber admits he shys away from PDA most of the time, especially when there's a camera nearby.

A-ha! Nuzzling!

When I saw this wall of white flowers I was so excited. It's so ethereal.

So sweet. My fav.

No trouble being in love for these guys, although Taber admits he shys away from PDA most of the time, especially when there's a camera nearby.